Yes, there are times when a TV Engineer takes the back off a TV, and lo and behold, there is an object or objects he wasn’t expecting!

1.  A pair of football socks.  Yes, socks.  It turns out that a young kid thought that his mum wouldn’t wash his socks (and he’d have them for his Saturday game) if he unscrewed the back of the TV in his bedroom, and deposit his socks on the circuit board.  We’re sure Mum would not have been impressed with the smell (burning, we presume).

2.  A dead cat.  No explanation was ever given, but we’re quite sure pussy never unscrewed the back of the CRT TV and screwed it back on.  Perhaps the owner wanted to see some more Animal 24:7 on the TV, quite literally.  This one should not be classed as funny, we suppose.

3.  A stash of cheap imported cigarettes.  The husband wasn’t supposed to be smoking, but the pleasant smell of tobacco in the living room never seemed to go away.  When the TV repair centre got the Samsung LCD TV to repair, they thought they’d stumbled upon an illegal smuggling operation and called the police.

4.  A baby’s rattle.  No, baby couldn’t have put it there.  Could she?  Turns out the big brother hated the sound of the rattle, so plotted its demise by – removing 6 screws and putting it in the back of the TV.  The twist is that it was only discovered 5 years later when the TV went in for repair.  The dad said to the tv engineer ” I think something’s fell off and is rattling about inside”.  Too right!

5.  A partially burned newspaper.  An older gentleman believed that the sound of the TV was too harsh and needed softened – by putting some newspaper in the back of the TV.  Little did he realise, but the speakers were actually on the front.  Having happily solved the sound problem, he then sat down to watch his precious tv catch fire.

6.  A passport.  The lady in question was always losing things, so thought that she could never lose her passport if she deposited it in the back of the TV.  She promptly forgot about it and had to get another one to go on holiday to Malta, until the TV Repair Centre furnished her with the old one.

For the information of everyone reading this – you should never take the back off your TV!!!